Monday, July 16, 2007

Just when she thought I'd grown out of that "phase"...

Hah! Did I dupe the human or what? Since the last time I shredded all the toilet paper, she's had it out of my reach. Then, a couple of weeks ago, she decided to bring it back down where I could reach it. It was hard to resist, but I ignored it all this time, until she was sure that I would leave it alone.

And then, today - Hah! This is for the DOG!!

Now...who rules this house again?

Yes, that would be ME. Let's not forget it, this time, OK?


1 comment:

Virginia Lee said...

Psst, Bailey! Excellent shredding!

Listen, I know I'm human and all, but if you ever get tired of toilet paper, I recommend paper towels. My Lady cat used to find knocking the roll of paper towels down from the wall holder and then onto the floor was lots of fun. Then she'd jump on the roll of towels, hold it in her arms and bite at the top of the roll and kick with her feet at the bottom of the roll with great vigor. She produced lots of little shreds of paper that went everywhere.

Also, if you don't like that idea, I had two boy kitties (I know, but they asked me to take care of them and I'm easy that way) who used to like to bite at the edges of cardboard boxes and then they'd spit out little bits of wet cardboard at me. One of these boys was gray stripes like you and the other was fluffy orange. And seriously, the cardboard spitting was one of their favorite things.