Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Human troubles...

My human had a bad day today. I know when she's had a bad day because she seems awfully glad to see me (well duh), and even happier that I am not another stupid human. I dutifully cuddle with her while she lectures me at length on the stupidity of humans, as though it still surprises her. She never listens to me when I try to tell her that they are only human, and, sorry to say, most of them them couldn't help it if they wanted to.

Personally, I think my human would have made a fine cat. Not only is she not stupid (except when she ignores me, or hangs out with the dog), she is as fond of sleeping and snacks as I am. Also, I think she would feel better if she could swear at her humans without them ever really knowing the difference between terms of endearment and a trial run for the jugular.

And failing that, there is always the option of taking out revenge on their sofas.

Hug your human today, cats, especially if they had a bad day. Sometimes it's just what they need.



Virginia Lee said...

Bailey, you are a very wise cat. I look forward to meeting you one day.

Virginia Lee said...
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