Wednesday, May 30, 2007

That dang dot!!

I have a lot of toys that I use to play games with my human. Empty paper bags, boxes, old newspapers (new newspapers!), little catnippy mice, mice on strings, cats on springs, bells, balls, and of course, the owner herself.

The rules of our games are simple. I make them up as we go along, and whatever I say, goes. Of course I find clever ways of making my owner believe that she has the upper paw and she does think quite highly of herself when I let her win - which is only often enough to keep her interested in our little games.

Anyway, as masterful as I am at most games, there is one that I must admit I find quite baffling. Maybe some of you cats know about it. It's the one with the little red dot that flies around that you can never catch. It's very fast, and when I pounce on it, it magically appears on the top side of my paw. Sometimes, I think I've caught it, but when I lift my paw, it races off again and I can't quite get a claw on it. It climbs walls, disappears under furniture, and can appear and disappear in a flash. Sometimes it even appears to be in two places at once!

I chase and I chase (appearing ever so confident so that my human doesn't detect my frustration), but I can never catch that dang dot!!

What do I do?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sigh - wish I could help but I have the same trouble with that one. I find that my female servant tends to giggle a lot when that is happening - you don't think she is somehow responsible.

No that's silly - certainly not intelligent enough.
