Sunday, December 30, 2007

Shiny, but does it come with treats??

Seems I have an adoring audience...a smart human called Kristen at As I Like It has given me a Thinking Blogger Award. Isn't it pretty?

It doesn't taste like anything though...but I'm hoping my human will be so impressed she'll give me an extra treat before bedtime. (I guess I'll have to go hide all the fur I plucked out of her slippers as she was sleeping in this morning...)

Anyway...rules say I have to pick five more cool cats to pass the award to...

First award goes to Sultanfus and Guy, who, like me, seem to know how to keep their humans in line. *sighs* If only I had a partner in crime...

Second award goes to Meankitty, who shares a blog with her writer human, who she appropriately refers to as "Typing Slave." Kudos to Meankitty!

All the kitties over at Cat.astrophic. Too much kitty cuteness to count. (Well duh...)

Finnegan and Buddy, featured in "We are the Kitties, and we Writed you this Book" (sequel, to "We are the kitties, Read this or I'll bite you"). They must be smart kitties to be in a book.

And last, but not least, my human pal and wise kitty mama, Virginia Lee. She's a friend of my human and gives me lots of ideas about how to train my human. (But shhhh, we won't tell her...)

And now,'s your turn! These are the rules:

1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. (No Fish or Bird blogs, they'll just make you hungry)

2. Acknowledge this post.

3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.

4. Go tell your humans to fork over the treats. I am. :)


Friday, December 28, 2007

Take me, take me!!

Hmmm...what's in here? Snacks? No....
It's perfectly kitty sized!
Take me?


Monday, December 24, 2007

Twas the Night before Christmas...

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, I ate the last mouse;

My human was tucked into bed with great care,
I think for the holidays it’s okay to share.

And while she snored the winter night away
I went out on the prowl, looking for prey

I checked out the kitchen and my human’s knapsack
In hopes that just maybe, she left me a snack

When out on the balcony there arose such a racket
I nearly leapt through the window to try and attack it

But a bump on the head was all that did greet
My desperate attempt to capture fresh meat!

This woke my human and she turned on the light
And shot me that look meant to give me a fright.

But alas dear human, it is you who obey,
And for that little look, you surely will pay.

I put her back to bed with a rub and a purr,
Then found all my toys and plucked out their fur.

Next came the toilet paper, shredded with care
And wound around table legs way over there.

My night of destruction would not be complete,
Until I poked around all of her plants with my feet,

Then tipped over the litter box, to make a huge mess,
And kicked it around, along with…you guess!

All this because she forgot the first rule,
That I run this house, no question, you fool!

She will wake to this mess, and maybe she’ll snap....
But she'll always forgive me by the time I wake from my nap.

Merry Christmas Cats!
