Saturday, May 26, 2007

More on the confusing behavior of dogs...

Take the game of Fetch. This is how I've seen dogs do it:

Step 1. Human throws ball, stick, or other suitable object.
Step 2. Dog races after it, and carries it back to the human.
Step 3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 as often as desired.

This is just one classic example of how dogs believe themselves to be in service to humans. This is how I play fetch with my human:

Step 1. Show interest in ball, mouse, or other suitable object.
Step 2. Bat it around until my human sees.
Step 3. Chase it across the room, preferably under a piece of furniture or other virtually inaccessible location.
Step 4. Repeat with all such toys that are within my reach, as well as some objects that my human finds useful (i.e. pens, keys, socks, etc.).
Step 5. Purr with amusement from my seat on the sofa while the human runs around collecting the items.
Step 6. Pretend to care when the human throws my toys around the house again afterwards with the mistaken belief that she is playing a game with me.


1 comment:

Virginia Lee said...

i LIked PLayinG FetcH witH thaT 'gInia mAmA I haD. ShE THroWed ReaL GOod. I JumPed AnD ShE'D LAff. ThaT MAde mE haPPy.

BiG YeLLa FUzzY ANgEL n hEaVEn